Saturday, April 16, 2011


So I was down to 3 restaurants left to eat at in Concord (a new pizza place opened up next to the gym though grrrr). Last night I decided to go for it and brave Pizzarelli and just get it over with. Ummm yeah. Let me stress that they were VERY nice but a also...I walk in and some drunk guy is watching the Red Sox (go team!) game with the owner. complete with loud yelling. I order my pizza and they tell me I cant use my credit card. So I was like ok and I start t say I'll go to the atm and the lady was like "are you local? you can just come back and pay tomorrow!" uhh and the guy was like "yeah we dont care just come back tomorrow". I was like its no problem. I'll go to the atm on main street while its cooking... I come back and I'm waiting for it be done when the lady comes out and is like "you know who she reminds me of? My niece Kelly" And then the guy is like yeah "John's daughter" which is creepy since my dad is John but I can promise you my family is not related t theirs. Anyway it was an interesting experience and the pizza was just ok.

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