Sunday, April 10, 2011

Random 2011 (First Quarter)

Walking arund Boston I looked up and about 4 stories up is this life-sized statue of a guy just hanging out on someone's deck. lol
My niece Meghin made me a root beer float and my sister told us to take a picture. So I did. lol
I forget the name of the restaurant (Vapianos??) in Boston but the lighting fixture was made up from drinking glasses!! wicked cool!!!

LOL!! Sean, Angie and Amelia got me one f the light up paper stars for my birthday. I love how the picture came out!
awww. I was so cute. turns out my brother found my missing baby pictures inwith his photo albums! They have only been missing for about TEN years. sigh.
lol My niece and I went and saw Paul (the alien n the left). wicked funny!
yay! Fried Pickles have made thier way to Concord, NH!! These were at Cheers. Not as good as the ones at Tap in Atlanta but still good.
I wish I could have peeled this off and given it to all my beer loving friends lol
"Liquid Goodness" Enough Said!
Jamantics at the Old Stone Church! AWESOME band and definitely a cool little venue!
Sean and Angie went to Jamaica and sent me a postcard. I got it in March and it a perfect additin to my collectin...funny thing is it was mailed in JULY. ha! They really DO take things slower down there...
If you look to the left of the 00.0 in the green - the person standing is my brother!! hahaha. I'm there too but its to much to type out to describe where I am. Fun game although my Suns lost but I will never get standng room only tix again. ...And if I do, I will never wear heels to that game. sigh.
ha! My brother told me to take a picture of the butterfly cracker. So I did.
Oscar Night at the Red River Theater was catered by the new Steakhouse in town called O. Forget the food check out the wall at the bar!!!! My jack is up top. lol
I took my friend Jenn out for her birthday to see some comedians playing at Foxwoods...those are them behind me!!! the guy in the blue was HYSTERICAL. "F*ck you Tony!"
I know this is fuzzy - hahaha. I was on the eliptical at the gym- this guy was pressing 900 pounds with his legs! holy sh!t!!!
My lovely purple pot that I had only used once before (see below). sigh. It was SOOOO cold in my cupboards that when I put it on the stove to start a new recipe it burst into 3 pieces ON the stove.
And of course the stuff that was in it fell onto the stove. SIGH.
LOL! My sister and I designed this character on my PS3 karaoke game!
Um yeah. FAIL. I went into the basement to see how full my heating oil tank was and I discovered MUSHROOMS growing. grrrrr.
haha! I thought the picture at the top (for hail) was hysterical.
LOVE watching the Food Network Challenges - this is a pagoda made from LOBSTER
Paul Pierce....yeah.... lol what a slacker lol
If you EVER see this tea PLEASE buy it and send it to me. I will pay you back! :) I dont think they are making it any more though :(
Ice Javelins!
Awww yeah!! I Was kickin @$$ on the Hanging Tough!!! Love the PS3!!!!
A new recipe - very tasty!! This was in my new dutch oven know. before it broke. sigh.
AHAHAHA. I wuld LOVE to get this piece of furniture but I cant afford to fly half way around the world just to put it together. lol
OMG!! Best kitchen utensil EVER!!! I can cut up a fresh pineapple all sliced and nice in under 2 minutes flat. cha-ching!!!
Hudson NH at Christmas - absolutely gorgeous lights! PLUS they always put out I think 6 soldiers that are....wait for 8 feet tall!

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