Friday, October 8, 2010

Brunch, House Painting, NASCAR and Good times with old Friends

9am til 2am..yeah it was a very long day but lots of fun!! :) It started with breakfast, then I put in some work at my parents house, I did a drive by the NASCAR private jets and finally hung out with friends :)

Had breakfast at the Northfield Eatery with Sean and Amelia. Hadn't seen them in a while so YAY! Sean brought me the coolest wooden hiker dude with 5 Euro from Western Germany. Very cool. Thanks Sean!!
You always know NASCAR is in town when the Concord airport is packed! these are the private jets of...i dunno..some driver or other. hahah. wicked stormy so they had a bumpy ride. bleah!!

So after a long day it was off to Jenn's! Pam and Rob were both in town and staying over. I haven't seen them since like 9th grade! Such a great time! :)
I promise I'm not scary!
What's that in the window!? omg its Pam! lol :)
so when you run out of kahluha...yeah a packet of Swiss Miss will NOT make a good substitute. lol
Rob wanted everyone to check out his argyle socks which were cheaper than basic black ones...

whoa wha?

Rob and his blanky. awww

Check out the garnish on this 90% alcohol 10% coke drink that Jenn made. priceless.

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